
Société tunisienne de l'électricité et du gaz


Bouchemma / Ghannouch

Start of work


Delivery date


The high voltage electric power transmission towers (220 KV; 150 KV and 90 KV) which are located in the vicinity of airports represent a serious danger to air navigation and several incidents have occurred in the world of airplanes or helicopters crashed on the towers or cables of high voltage lines.

The intervention of the company T.H.I REVETEMENT consists in the prevention of the incidents of crashes by day marking and a night marking of the towers and the cables by signaling paint and by the installation of signaling lights.

A°) Beaconing of the towers :

For the day marking on the towers we apply a system of signaling painting in alternating red and white bands with a number of band relative to the height of the towers.

For the night marking on the towers we install one or more signaling lights relative to the height of the tower. The intensity of the light of each signal light is also relative to the height of the towers and varies on three levels: low intensity, medium intensity or high intensity.

B°) Beaconing of the Cable:

For the day marking on the cables we install red and white signal balloons with distances respecting the standard.

For the night marking on the cables we install signaling lights with direct supply on the cable with distances according to the standard.

Service – Day and night marking :

Maintenance of high-voltage electrical transformers